Today's Gold Price Per Kg in USD (2024)

Gold derivatives are financial instruments tied to gold prices, providing investors with flexible means to participate in the gold market without directly owning physical gold. Examples include gold futures and options contracts, traded on exchanges like COMEX, enabling speculation and hedging based on future gold prices. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) backed by physical gold offer a convenient way for investors to mirror gold's performance. Gold swaps and forwards facilitate customized hedging and financing strategies by enabling participants to exchange cash flows tied to gold prices. Within the landscape of gold derivatives, investors can effectively manage risk, speculate on price movements, and tailor their gold exposure to align with specific financial objectives.

However, gold derivatives often come with complex or concealed costs and risks. In contrast, physical gold bullion boasts a competitive pricing structure and lacks contractual risk, also known as counterparty risk. For instance, consider the case of gold ETFs, one of the most popular gold derivative products. Assuming an initial investment of $10,000 with subsequent investments of $5,000 annually, we can analyze the ETF's cost over time based on its expense ratio. It's important to note that this calculation assumes consistent performance of the ETF relative to spot gold, which may not always be true.

Average Gold ETF


Net Investment

ETF fees

Physical Gold Premium (est. 5%)





















The table illustrates how fees associated with gold derivatives accumulate over time, potentially exceeding the cost of physical bullion.

Gold Price History

Highest Gold Price Ever Achieved:

Gold's current record high was achieved on July 16th, 2024, at $2,483 per troy ounce ($79,750.36 per kilogram). This follows a trend of new record setting highs for gold in recent history. A new high was reached on August 7, 2020, when it surpassed $2,074 per ounce ($66,613.87 per kilogram). This remarkable milestone was primarily driven by a combination of factors, including the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, low-interest rates, a weakening U.S. dollar, and increased demand for safe-haven assets. Just a short few years later, another new high was reached on May 4, 2023, when gold hit $2,080.72 ($66,829.71 per kilogram). This was sparked by demand fueled by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, as wealthy investors rushed to get their money out of banks at risk of failure and into gold. As the FDIC only insures up to $250,000 per account, someone with considerably more money in the banking system stood to lose a lot of money. After SVB’s collapse, several other high-profile banks failed. In general, catastrophe tends to spur demand for safe-haven assets like gold, which leads to stronger prices. Another new record was established just seven months later on December 3rd, 2023 of $2,135 per troy ounce ($68,573.10 per kilogram). In this case, one of the board members of the Federal Reserve made remarks to the public that indicated rate cuts may be imminent in 2024. The potential of lower interest rates makes gold attractive because it serves as a hedge against inflation and offers a lower opportunity cost when yields on other investments decrease.

Gold then passed record highs multiple times, driven by expectations of rate cuts with rallies coinciding with FOMC announcements or favorable readings from economic reports. For example, the March FOMC meeting in 2024 forecasted three rate cuts to the federal funds rate in 2024. This spurred gold to a new all-time high on March 20th to $2,220 ($71,303.18 per kilogram). Market players optimistically bought gold in anticipation of future rate cuts in the near term, driving up the spot price to new all-time highs. This bull run continued until May 20th, 2024 when spot gold peaked at $2,450 per troy ounce ($78,690.45 per kilogram) as investors reacted to the death of Iran's President, who perished in a helicopter accident during a period of heightened tensions in the Middle East. The most recent price peak followed a period of consistent growth amidst confidence of a rate cut in September 2024 before hitting the current all-time high of $2,483 ($79,750.36 per kilogram) on Tuesday, July 16th. This record setting price followed an assassination attempt on former U.S. president Donald Trump, which occurred on Saturday, July 13th.

Gold Price Appreciation Over Time:

Over the long term, gold has exhibited an average annual rate of return of approximately 7.78%, based on an analysis of gold prices from 1971 to 2022.

Using All-Time Highs for Timing:

Many investors track the proximity of the current gold price to its all-time high as a timing indicator. When gold approaches or surpasses its historical peak, some investors interpret it as a signal to consider selling, anticipating a potential correction. Conversely, others perceive it as an opportune moment to buy, speculating on continuing the upward trend. The breach of significant psychological thresholds, such as setting a new all-time high, can trigger a larger and more prolonged upward movement in gold prices. However, weighing the broader economic and geopolitical context is vital before making investment decisions solely based on historical price highs.

Factors That Influence Gold Prices

Many key factors influence the price of gold:

  1. Economic Conditions: Global economic health, inflation rates, interest rates, and overall financial stability impact gold prices. In economic uncertainty or inflationary pressure, gold often rises in value as a safe-haven asset.
  2. Geopolitical Events: Political instability, conflicts, and trade tensions can significantly affect gold prices. Investors frequently turn to gold as a safe-haven asset during geopolitical turmoil.
  3. Currency Movements: There is an inverse relationship between the value of the U.S. dollar and gold prices. A weaker dollar typically increases gold prices as gold becomes more attractive to international investors.
  4. Central Bank Policies: Central banks' buying and selling activities regarding gold can influence prices. Large-scale purchases or sales by central banks can significantly impact the supply and demand dynamics of the gold market.
  5. Supply and Demand: The balance between gold supply and demand, influenced by factors such as mining production and jewelry consumption, plays a role in price fluctuations. Scarcity or excess supply can lead to shifts in prices.
  6. Investor Sentiment: Market sentiment and speculation can drive short-term price movements. Events, news, and investor sentiment can lead to rapid price swings.
  7. Technical Analysis: Traders often use technical indicators and charts to forecast short-term gold price movements. These include moving averages, support and resistance levels, and other technical patterns. Algorithmic trading patterns based on technical analysis also contribute to market complexity.

How Gold Spot Prices are Determined

Gold spot prices are determined through a globally coordinated process overseen by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), which sets standards for gold trading and conducts electronic auctions twice daily, notably the LBMA Gold Price. During these auctions, market participants, including banks, refiners, and institutional investors, submit buy and sell orders until a supply and demand equilibrium is reached, setting the spot price. International factors such as currency exchange rates and global economic events can also influence these prices, making gold a 24/7 traded commodity. Real-time transparency ensures investors have access to accurate and up-to-date spot prices, facilitating informed trading decisions.

In addition to the LBMA, gold spot price determination involves other major exchanges, notably the COMEX (Commodity Exchange, Inc.). While the LBMA sets global standards and benchmark prices, COMEX, a division of the CME Group, is prominent in gold futures and options trading. Prices established on COMEX, particularly the most actively traded futures contracts, impact spot prices and provide a forward-looking view of market expectations. The interaction between LBMA's spot prices and COMEX's futures prices creates a dynamic relationship, influencing gold's overall price discovery process globally. Other exchanges involved in the price discovery process include the Shanghai Gold Exchange, the Tokyo Commodity Exchange, and the Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange.

How do Gold Futures Affect Gold Spot Prices?

As exemplified by COMEX, futures markets hold a critical sway over gold spot prices. They significantly contribute to gold price discovery, offering a benchmark for current spot prices. The arbitrage opportunities emerging between gold futures and spot markets prompt price convergence as traders leverage price disparities. Speculative activities in futures markets can sway market sentiment and trigger short-term price fluctuations, impacting futures and spot prices. Additionally, stakeholders in the gold sector employ futures contracts to hedge against price volatilities, influencing the supply-demand dynamics of the spot market. Rolling over expiring contracts in futures markets may also spur spot market transactions related to physical delivery obligations, leading to shifts in supply and demand and, consequently, spot prices.

How to Trade the Gold/Silver Ratio

The gold-to-silver ratio measures the ounces of silver needed to purchase one ounce of gold, providing insights into the relative values of these precious metals. Historically, a higher ratio suggests that silver may be undervalued compared to gold, making it a suitable time for silver investments. Conversely, a lower ratio may indicate a favorable moment for gold investments.

Experienced investors often trade between silver and gold based on fluctuations in the ratio. For example, consider an investor who bought 5 ounces (0.156 kilograms) of gold in January 2019 when the gold-to-silver ratio was 82. If the ratio increased to 112 in April or May 2020, the investor could exchange their gold for 560 ounces (17.418 kilograms) of silver. Later, if the ratio dropped to 70 in September 2020, the investor could trade their 560 ounces (17.418 kilograms) of silver for 8 ounces (0.249 kilograms) of gold. Assuming the investor purchased gold at around $1300/ounce ($41,791.73 /kilogram) in January 2019, the average cost per ounce of gold would be $812.50 ($26,119.83/kilogram) by September 2020. With gold prices surpassing $1900/ounce ($61,080.22/kilogram) in September 2020, trading the ratio during that period could yield excellent returns, over 133%.

It's important to note that this scenario does not consider factors such as taxes, premiums, or the potential for advantageous or disadvantageous trades. In most cases, individual investors trading the gold-to-silver ratio will need to convert to a liquid currency like the U.S. dollar for trading, as direct bartering may not be feasible.

Why Gold is a Good Diversifier

Gold is a perennial favorite among seasoned investors looking to diversify their portfolios, as it often moves independently of traditional financial markets. This characteristic makes gold a sought-after safe haven during times of stock market volatility or currency devaluation.

Diversification is crucial for a sound investment strategy, as it spreads risk by allocating investments across different asset classes. Including assets like gold, which exhibit different behavior patterns than stocks and bonds, can enhance portfolio stability. Gold's tendency to become uncorrelated with other assets during market turbulence means its price often rises when stock prices fall.

In recent years, the correlation between stocks and bonds has increased, possibly due to the "easy money" policies of central banks. While defined contribution plans have long promoted diversification through a mix of stocks and bonds, this correlation significantly undermines its benefits. In contrast, gold remains uncorrelated with asset classes and tends to experience increased demand during periods of stock market stress.

Gold and Local Currencies

Global exchanges, such as COMEX and the LBMA, wield considerable influence over gold prices in local currencies, primarily through exchange rates. Fluctuations in the international gold price can trigger corresponding adjustments in the value of gold in local currencies. A robust global gold price typically translates into higher local prices, whereas a weaker global price often leads to lower local prices. Import and export dynamics also come into play, as international price disparities spur trade activities that impact local markets.

Investor behavior serves as another pivotal factor shaping local gold prices. Global price trends and market news can sway local demand for gold, thereby affecting local prices. Moreover, arbitrage opportunities may arise when significant price disparities exist between global and local markets. Traders capitalize on these differences by buying low and selling high, thus narrowing the price gap and aligning global and local prices. These diverse factors collectively contribute to the intricate relationship between global exchanges and gold prices denominated in local currencies.

A compelling illustration of this dynamic occurred in Shanghai in 2023. Following a decline in domestic gold production post-pandemic, local demand surged, exacerbated by government-imposed import restrictions on gold. Consequently, gold prices rose as the commodity became relatively scarcer. Despite these conditions, arbitrage opportunities were limited due to government restrictions, hindering the achievement of price equilibrium with the global gold market.

Gold and the US Dollar

Gold is traded in the U.S. Dollar and quoted in USD, contributing to the correlation between the USD and gold prices. Typically, gold prices rise when the U.S. dollar weakens, whereas a stronger dollar often leads to declining gold prices. However, this correlation is not absolute, as various factors influence gold prices. There are occasions when a strengthening U.S. dollar coincides with robust gold prices. In the foreign exchange market, gold is represented by the F.X. ticker XAU/USD. It's important to differentiate this from the Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index, which consists of thirty gold and silver miners listed on the NASDAQ and identified by the stock ticker symbol XAU.

How are FOREX Traders Finding Arbitrage Opportunities in Gold Markets Worldwide?

FOREX traders use various strategies to pinpoint arbitrage opportunities within gold markets. They exploit price gaps across different markets and currencies, engaging in cross-currency arbitrage by purchasing gold in a currency where it's cheaper and selling it where it commands a higher price. Furthermore, they capitalize on discrepancies between gold's futures and spot prices through spot-futures arbitrage. Traders also delve into intermarket arbitrage, profiting from variations among gold markets such as the LBMA, COMEX, and local exchanges.

While arbitrage can lead to profits, traders must remain vigilant regarding transaction costs, exchange rate fluctuations, and market liquidity. They must act swiftly to capitalize on fleeting opportunities before they vanish.

Why is Gold Used as a Store of Wealth?

Gold has maintained its status as a reliable store of wealth for thousands of years. Consider this: an ounce of gold buried by a Roman in 100 A.D. could have bought a luxurious toga. Fast forward nearly two millennia and that same ounce of gold could still purchase a stylish suit with money left over. This analogy, frequently invoked by gold bugs, underscores gold's remarkable ability to preserve its value over the long term, a feat many other assets cannot match. This enduring stability makes gold a preferred hedge against inflation, leading long-term investors to disregard short-term fluctuations in gold spot prices.

Why You Should Never Attempt to Buy Gold Below Spot Price

In every industry, some individuals aim to exploit others. If an offer seems too good to be true, it likely is. Someone selling a troy ounce (0.031 kilograms) of gold below the spot price is probably dealing in counterfeit gold coins or bars.

While the spot price represents the metal's value, the premium is essential for the entire supply chain to remain viable. This premium covers the costs of mines, refiners, mints, and retailers, ensuring their continued operation and profitability. Without it, the metal would remain untapped, leading to the market's collapse. Therefore, if you encounter gold priced below the spot price, it's wise to approach it cautiously.

Today's Gold Price Per Kg in USD (2024)


What's today's gold price per kg in US dollars? ›

Live Gold Spot Price
Live Gold Spot PriceGold Spot Price Today
Gold Price per Gram$75.00€70.10
Gold Price per Kilo$75,002€70,095
Gold Price per Ounce$2,332.82€2,180.20
14 June 2024, 14:00:00 (GMT-07:00)

How much is 1 kilo of gold worth today? ›

Today's ask price per 1 Kilo Gold Bullion bar is: $81,356.91.

Is gold up or down today? ›

Gold Price in US Dollars is at a current level of 2513.40, down from 2518.10 the previous market day and up from 1942.30 one year ago. This is a change of -0.19% from the previous market day and 29.40% from one year ago.

How much is 100 kg of gold worth in dollars? ›

One hundred kilos of gold is about 3215 troy ounces. At $1250 per troy ounce, you're looking at a cool four million bucks.

What is the gold price today in USD? ›

Precious Metals
Gold2,495.40USD per Troy Ounce
Palladium965.00USD per Troy Ounce
Platinum915.50USD per Troy Ounce
Silver28.37USD per Troy Ounce

What is the price of 1 kilo gold today? ›

Today's Gold Price in India = 7010561.12729 INR / 1000 Gram *
Gold Price in India(INR)
Quantity22 carat24 carat
100 gram701056 INR759945 INR
1 Ounce 31.1034768 grams218053 INR236369 INR
1 Kilogram 1000 grams7010561 INR7599448 INR
4 more rows

How much can you sell 1kg of gold? ›

Historic Gold Price
Live priceLast Week
Gold Price (Kilogram)$80,775.00-0.27%$80,545.00

Which country has the cheapest gold? ›

  • Dubai (UAE): Dubai is widely known for its tax-free gold shopping, making it one of the most affordable places to buy gold. ...
  • Hong Kong: Hong Kong is another popular destination for gold buyers. ...
  • Singapore: Singapore is known for its transparent and regulated gold market. ...
  • Switzerland: ...
  • India:
Aug 12, 2024

What is the price of 1 kg gold in Dubai? ›

Today's Latest Gold Price in Dubai
Gold UnitGold Price in AEDGold Price in USD
1 Kg Gold 999.9 PurityAED 294,325.14$80,088.47
1 Kg Gold 999.5 PurityAED 292,853.58$79,688.05
10 Gram GoldAED 2,943.18$800.87
13 more rows

Is now a good time to sell gold? ›

As shown in the chart above, gold remains close to it's all time high in Dollars, though it has fallen back slightly from the record set in March 2022. For those looking to sell at a high value then, now is still a good time to sell gold, without feeling like you have lost out on selling at it's peak.

Is it good to buy gold now? ›

Investing in gold can often be a prudent choice for those seeking to diversify their portfolios, hedge against inflation, and protect their assets during economic uncertainty. Gold's enduring value and its role as a safe haven asset make it a compelling investment, particularly in volatile or unpredictable markets.

Is gold expected to drop? ›

Many analysts offer a positive outlook for gold in 2024, expecting it to trade between $2,421.00 and $2,651.00. More conservative forecasts assume a decline in the price of XAUUSD, the precious metal will be traded in the area of $2,000.00–$2,133.00.

How much is 1kg of gold in USD? ›

Gold price and chart
Gold Price per Gram€72.59$80.36
Gold Price per Ounce€2257.84$2499.47
Gold Price per Kilo€72591.24$80359.95
24H Change-0.37 %-0.22 %

Can I buy 1 kg of gold? ›

You can buy 1 kg gold bars online from GoldCore for delivery or storage using the BUY button or you can call our office to place your order over the phone.

How big is 1kg of pure gold? ›

The gold bar of one kilo is very small, due to the high density of gold. The size and dimensions of the new Royal Mint 1 kilo gold bar are : 11.8 cm long, 5.3 cm wide and 0.8 cm thick. This corresponds approximately to the size of an iPhone 5 !

Gold Prices Per Kilo Today - Gold Price OZgoldpriceoz.com ›

Gold prices per kilo is a free service offered by, that shows Current Gold Price(including Bid price, Ask price and Day's fluctuation range)...
Gold price today per Kilogram in United States in U.S. Dollar (USD) for the most commonly used karats. Also, daily forecasting and updates of gold rates for the...
Today's gold price in United States is $80002.7 USD per Kilo. Get detailed information, charts, and updates on gold rates in major cities of United States.

How much is 24 karat gold per gram in USA today? ›

Today 24 Carat Gold Rate Per Gram in United States (USD)

How much is a 12.4 kg gold bar worth? ›

The current value of 12.4 kg standard gold bars is around US$801,920. This is based on the weight of a standard gold bar (400 troy ounces) and the price of gold per troy ounce (US$2,008) as of February 2022. “What are 12.4 kg standard gold bars currently worth?”


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