Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Quidditch Season 3 Chapter 3 of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, you helped Orion reignite his spark for Quidditch. After talking to him in the Clocktower Courtyard, you went to the Great Hall, where he played a game of wizard’s chess against Murphy. This was a fairly good way to test Orion’s patience. After that, you met with Rath on the Training Grounds, where you practiced hitting some bludgers to put Orion’s tenacity to the test. Lastly, you practiced throwing the Quaffle around with Skye to reignite Orion’s fire for Quidditch. Unfortunately, after all of that, he still couldn’t come back to his old self, so you decided to seek Murphy’s advice.


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Meet Murphy
    • Location: Commentary Box
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Andre if you are worried about the team
      • Yes, I’m worried: +5 Empathy
      • I’m not worried at all: +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Attend Quidditch Practice
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Quidditch Pitch
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
    • Choice: Reply to Skye
      • It’s all right: +5 Empathy
      • You were out of line: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Attend the Party
    • Waiting Time: 5 hours
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Penny if you think Skye should lead the team until Orion comes back
      • Skye should lead: +5 Knowledge
      • I should lead: +5 Courage
      • We’re sharing: +5 Empathy
  • Task 4: Motivate your Team
    • Location: Quidditch Pitch
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • House Match- 450 Coins (Year 3), 550 Coins (Year 4), and 650 Coins (Year 6); 30 House Points for win (45 House Points for a prefect match)
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
  • Task 5: Face the Consequences
    • Location: Quidditch Changing Rooms
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
    • Choice: Tell Skye if you agree with Madam Hooch’s decision
      • Yes, it’s fair: +5 Dragon Experience Points
      • No, it’s not fair: +5 Dragon Experience Points
  • Chapter Rewards: 300 Coins and 30 Dragon Club Experience Points

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(Disclaimer: Some of the tasks might have the different star and attribute requirements, depending on the Year you’re in. The following Walkthrough contains the images from Year 7, which pretty much has the highest requirements.)

Proceed to the Commentary Box when you are ready to meet with him. Once you arrive, you will notice Andre sitting next to Murphy. He will happily greet you and say that he’s heard you’ve been helping Orion.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

McNully will ask if you managed to help your captain reignite his spark for Quidditch, and you’ll say that you tried, but unfortunately, Orion wasn’t acting like himself. As it seems, Andre and Erika have already talked about your team captain.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (2)

You’ll also tell them he started acting like Skye later on. In other words, he definitely won’t be ready to play Quidditch soon. Murphy will remind you that there is not much time until your first house match. Being fully aware of it, you will inform him that Skye and you decided to prepare the team together. After all, both of you want your team to win the match. You’ll ask Murphy if he could provide some tactical advice, and he will be more than happy to provide his assistance.

Andre will also offer to help. The following lines will differ, based on the house Erika is in.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (3)
Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (4)
Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (5)

You will then get to discuss strategy with them. This requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (6)

There are two bonus progress actions linked to Murphy. Focus on his actions if you want to save some energy.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (7)

You will learn that Erika’s team isn’t really getting along, and Murphy will present some important statistics.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (8)

You’ll ask if your team should focus on group maneuvers, and he will nod and add that you’ll have a much higher chance of winning the house match if all members of the team work together. Still, getting everyone on the same page won’t be an easy task. Following that, Andre will ask if you are worried about the team. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t have any big impact on the story, so feel free to pick either option.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (9)

He’ll then say that winning the match won’t be easy.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (10)

Still, you will be determined to train hard and give your best to win the upcoming house match. You will have to wait three hours until the practice starts. Since the chapter is not limited by time, it is recommended to wait until you’re able to continue.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (11)

Head to the Quidditch Pitch once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of your teammates. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say. You will notice Ethan Parkin talking to some of your teammates, so you’ll ask Skye about it.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (12)

Apparently, she was the one who invited him to help your team prepare for the upcoming house match. She’ll ask if she was out of line for doing so. There are two options to reply with.If you like Skye, it is recommended to pick the first option.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (13)

Skye will point out that your team needs all the help you can get, and you’ll agree with her on that, especially since the reserve Chaser will be playing instead of your captain. Shortly after, your practice will start. Ethan will gather everyone around and say that you should practice some teamwork.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (14)

This requires earning five stars within an hour. Only one star is needed to pass.

Normally, it would be recommended to earn a single star and wait for the timer to run out. However, there is a waiting period following this task, which is why you should complete it as soon as possible. Also, there is a bonus progress action linked to Skye. Focusing on her actions should save you a bit of energy.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (16)

Ethan will be quite pleased with your team’s performance.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (18)

He’ll be reminded of his first Quidditch match, but before he gets to tell you about it, his daughter will interrupt him.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (20)

He’ll wish your team the best of luck.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (21)

You’ll be happy, knowing that Ethan is confident about your chances. Skye will nod and say she’s feeling better about the upcoming house match. You will point out that you still have some time for a practice match. Skye will remind you there’s a pre-match party afterward, and you’ll be curious to know if she’ll be attending it.

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As for you, you’ll be looking forward to attending the party.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (23)

During this friendly, you will be required to play Keeper. The task window will display all the relevant information, so hit Start when you are ready to begin.

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As usual, try your best to successfully complete all the maneuvers to earn the rewards.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (25)

When you are done, you will need to wait five hours until the party starts. Given that the chapter is not time-limited, you should simply wait until the timer expires.

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Head to the Training Grounds once you’re able to continue. When you get there, you will be able to interact with some of the characters by tapping on the speech bubbles above them. Your friends will be happy to see you arrive at the party.

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Penny will immediately ask if Ethan Parkin helped your team prepare for the upcoming match. You will be surprised that she knows about it. As it seems, the rumors are traveling fast around Hogwarts.

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You’ll explain that Skye thought it would be a good idea to get her dad’s help, especially since your captain won’t be playing. Andre will ask if Skye is making decisions for your team while Orion is absent. You’ll tell him that both Skye and you had to step in. However, Orion is still your captain, and you’ll be confident that he will come back once he’s ready.

Penny will ask if you think Skye should lead the team until Orion comes back. There are three options to choose from.This time, it is recommended to pick the third option, since both Skye and you should work together to help the team.

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You will tell them about Orion’s moments of vivification.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (30)

Andre will say it is nice to raise the confidence of your team before the match. Penny will advise you to give a speech too. Unfortunately, you won’t be quite sure how to motivate the team. She’ll suggest talking to Orion about it. Andre will say that he saw your captain shortly before you arrived. You’ll be surprised to hear that. Both Penny and Andre will offer to help you look for him. Finding Orion requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (31)

There is a bonus progress action linked to Face Paint Kid. Prioritize his actions if you want to save a bit of energy.

Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (32)

After looking around for a while, you will spot Orion standing nearby. He’ll ask if there’s something on your mind. You’ll nod and say that you want to inspire the team before the house match. You will ask him to explain how he comes up with his moments of vivification.

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He’ll calmly say that he doesn’t plan it in advance. He will go on and explain that he simply expresses his feelings about the team during those moments. Still, you will be unsure if you can do the same. Orion will advise you to be yourself and speak from your heart. You’ll thank him and say that he’s almost back to his old self.

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Sadly, he will admit that he’s not quite there yet.

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However, he will be quite confident that you can inspire the team. Shortly after, Face Paint Kid will approach and say that the match is soon to start. You will decide to head to the changing room and prepare for your first house match as Keeper.

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Proceed to the Quidditch Changing Room when you are ready. Once you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of your teammates. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say. Skye will ask if you had a nice time at the pre-match party.

You will nod and say it was very informative. You’ll tell her that Orion helped you figure out how to motivate the team. She will ask if you are going to do a moment of vivification. You’ll say that Orion advised you to speak in your own words and focus on bringing everyone in the team together.

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Skye will admit she is glad you’ll be the one giving a speech, and she’ll help you by getting everyone’s attention.

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You’ll tell your teammates that your first house match is about to start. The results of the previous two Quidditch seasons will be mentioned here.

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Despite Orion being absent, you will decide to honor his tradition and have a moment of vivification before the match starts. Inspiring your team requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to your character and Skye. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

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You will say a few closing words once you are done motivating your team.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (44)

Everyone will happily cheer and applaud your rousing speech.

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Skye will be impressed by the way you inspired everyone. Moments later, you will notice Orion arriving in the Quidditch Changing Room. He’ll say he wanted to see your moment of vivification.

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By the looks of it, your speech left a nice impression on him and he’ll tell you he’s glad he left the team in such capable hands.

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He’ll praise the leadership skills of both Skye and you.

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Before you leave, he will wish you the best of luck and promise to cheer from the stands. The task window will display all the relevant information about the match. Hit Start when you are ready to begin.

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Murphy will cheerfully welcome everyone to the first house match of the season.

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Both Orion and Andree will loudly cheer from the stands.

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Shortly after, McNully will introduce your opponents.

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Moments later, Erika and her teammates will fly onto the pitch.

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Not long after that, Murphy will introduce your team.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (55)

Finally, the match will begin. This match will be very similar to many of the other house matches you’ve played so far. If you practiced playing Keeper, you should have no problems successfully completing all the maneuvers.

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If you perform the maneuvers correctly, you will notice some of your friends cheering happily.

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On top of that, you will make your Head of House proud.

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Penny will also be there to support your team.

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In the end, Murphy will announce the winners of the match.

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As soon as the match ends, players from both teams will start arguing again. The following few lines will differ, based on the outcome of the match.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (62)

Moments later, Madam Hooch will interrupt their arguing and ask everyone to report to the Training Grounds. Before that, you will have to complete two Quidditch friendlies.

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During these, you can feel free to play any position you prefer.

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As always, try your best to successfully perform all the maneuvers to earn the rewards.

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Once you are done, proceed to the Training Grounds to face the consequences. When you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of your teammates. Madam Hooch will say that she is very disappointed by everyone’s behavior and she will decide to punish both teams by suspending them from the Quidditch Cup.

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Needless to say, you will be shocked to hear that.

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Skye will be the first one to complain.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (69)

Thankfully, Madam Hooch will be willing to lift the suspension once both teams prove their dedication to sportsmanship and cooperation. In other words, the members of both teams will have to serve detention together. You’ll point out that serving detention won’t leave much time for Quidditch practice. However, Madam Hooch will allow the teams to resume practice if they complete the first detention without arguing. Moments later, everyone will receive their task.

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Serving detention requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to your character and Erika. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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You will happily say that you managed to repair all the broomsticks and Madam Hooch will be pleased with the results of your work.

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Skye will ask if all of you managed to prove you’re dedicated to sportsmanship and cooperation. Sadly, this is just the beginning. You will have to work hard to be allowed to compete for the Quidditch Cup again. Thankfully, both teams will be able to continue practicing in the meantime. Moments later, most of the players will leave the Training Grounds. Skye won’t be happy with the outcome of the whole situation.

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Rath will point out that none of you did anything to stop others from arguing.

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Skye will turn to you and ask if you think Madam Hooch’s decision to suspend both teams from house matches is fair. There are two options to reply with.This time, it is recommended to select the first option, especially since both Skye and you are responsible for your teammates’ actions.

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In any case, you will have to prove that your teams can work together in order for Madam Hooch to lift the suspension and allow everyone to compete for the Quidditch Cup again.

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Erika will agree to talk to her teammates and see if she can convince them to cooperate. Skye will nod and say that both of you will do the same.

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You will then need to complete two Quidditch friendlies.

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Like before, you can feel free to select the position you want to play during these matches.

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Once again, try your best to successfully complete all the maneuvers to earn the rewards.

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Once you are done, Chapter 3 of Season 3 will conclude. You will receive rewards for completing the chapter. You will receive 300 Coins and 30 Dragon Club Experience Points.

What will happen next? Will you be able to convince your teammates to cooperate with Rath’s team? And will she manage to do the same? Find out in the next chapter of Quidditch for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!
Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 3 - The First House Match | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.