25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (2025)

25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (1)Written by Chris Drew (PhD)

25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (2)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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| July 15, 2024

25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (3)

List of Classroom Rules Ideas for Kinder

1. Listen when the teacher is talking.

Pay attention and stay quiet when the teacher is speaking. This helps everyone understand instructions and learn new things.

2. Raise your hand to speak.

Raise your hand and wait to be called on before talking. This ensures everyone gets a chance to speak and the classroom stays orderly.

3. Follow directions quickly.

When the teacher gives instructions, follow them right away. This helps the class run smoothly and keeps everyone on track.

4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Avoid touching others with your hands or feet. This keeps everyone safe and comfortable.

5. Be kind to others.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Show kindness, empathy, and respect to your classmates, teachers, and everyone.

6. Use inside voices.

Speak quietly and calmly when inside the classroom. This helps everyone concentrate and keeps the classroom environment peaceful.

8. Clean up after yourself.

Put away toys, books, and other materials after using them. This keeps the classroom tidy and makes it easier for everyone to find what they need.

9. Share with others.

Take turns and share toys, supplies, and other items with classmates. This helps everyone have a chance to use and enjoy everything.

10. Use polite words like “please” and “thank you.”

Use kind and respectful language when talking to others. Saying “please” and “thank you” shows good manners and respect.

11. Wait your turn.

Be patient and wait for your turn when playing games, using materials, or speaking. This teaches fairness and consideration for others.

12. Respect others’ personal space.

Give others enough room to feel comfortable and safe. Avoid getting too close or touching without permission.

13. Follow the classroom schedule.

Stick to the daily routine and follow the class timetable. This helps everyone know what to expect and keeps the day running smoothly.

14. Keep the classroom clean.

Help keep the classroom neat by picking up trash, organizing materials, and taking care of your belongings. A clean space is pleasant and healthy for everyone.

15. Ask for help when needed.

If you’re unsure or having trouble, ask the teacher or a classmate for help. This shows you’re willing to learn and be part of the classroom community.

16. Use materials properly.

Handle classroom materials with care and use them for their intended purpose. This helps keep everything in good condition and available for everyone.

17. Stay with the group during activities.

Stay with your class during group activities and follow the teacher’s instructions. This ensures everyone’s safety and makes activities more enjoyable.

18. Use walking feet inside the classroom.

Walk, don’t run, when moving around the classroom. This helps prevent accidents and keeps everyone safe.

19. Raise your hand to ask questions.

Raise your hand and wait to be called on before asking a question. This helps the teacher manage the class and ensures everyone gets a chance to participate.

20. Be a good friend.

Be supportive, kind, and helpful to your classmates. Being a good friend makes the classroom a happy place for everyone.

21. Help others when you can.

Offer assistance to classmates who need help with tasks or activities. This builds a supportive and cooperative classroom environment.

22. Take care of classroom supplies.

Treat classroom supplies with care and put them back where they belong after use. This ensures that materials are available and in good condition for everyone.

23. Play safely on the playground.

Follow the playground rules and play gently with others. This helps prevent injuries and ensures everyone has fun.

24. Listen to your classmates.

Pay attention and show interest when your classmates are speaking. This shows respect and helps everyone feel valued.

25. Keep your desk organized.

Keep your desk tidy and organized. This makes it easier to find your materials and helps keep the classroom neat.

Tips for Setting Rules in Kindergarten

  • Keep it Simple: Use clear and simple language that young children can easily understand.
  • Be Consistent: Apply the rules consistently so children know what to expect.
  • Involve the Kids: Allow the children to help create the rules. This gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Positive Language: Phrase rules positively. For example, say “Use walking feet” instead of “Don’t run.”
  • Visual Aids: Use pictures and charts to illustrate the rules. This can be especially helpful for non-readers.
  • Be Specific: Make sure the rules are specific and clear. Instead of “Be good,” say “Keep your hands and feet to yourself.”
  • Teach the Rules: Spend time teaching the rules at the beginning of the year and review them regularly.
  • Model the Rules: Demonstrate the behavior you expect from the children.
  • Reinforce the Rules: Praise and reward children for following the rules to encourage positive behavior.
  • Be Flexible: Be willing to adjust rules if they are not working or if circumstances change.
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (4)
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (5)
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (6)
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (7)
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (8)
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (9)
25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (10)

Chris Drew (PhD)


Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

25 Classroom Rules for Kindergarten (2024) (2025)


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